National or perhaps it's better to say: country vacation traditions are apparently formed by the standards of the labor market. In Russia, for instance a teacher (not everyone, of course) can afford two months at once. Officials are not ashamed for a month missing anyway nobody notices. Creative professionals and other slackers are not to be considered - these do nothing but rest. On a mass scale two weeks vacation is the reality that average employed Russian regards to be happiness.
Employment implies acceptance of the position of an employer to some extent. There are however, employers, treating extremely labor laws - a week-once-in-five-years - a real feast for their unsteady on their feet serfs. What would be the first desire of a man who has just defended his right to rest with his teeth and nails? - Go away and preferably sooner. To Egypt, Turkey, Thailand and further according to the level of income. There are patriots though whose wealth (or some other latent motive) makes them to stay at home. Nobody would ever count that they spent much more than their traveling compatriots.
What is outside the 'iron curtain'? In the United States everything is running even cooler. Statistical average vacation length is less than 4 days (!). Moreover, from 30 to 50% (according to different sources) of the population prefer to work, i.e. just work. Average number of vacation days per year - 13-14,6 - rather close to Russian figures but it is again for those who do not deny the vacation itself. For comparison, in Italy - 42. Italians - of course, totally separate issue. They seem to know really how to have a rest even while at work. And Italy in general is an endless gastronomic fiesta. Americans are understandable as well - China comes on the heels - true patriots' Olympiad.
In Europe, the worst situation with vacation is in Estonia, Poland, Lithuania and Slovenia - 22 days on average per year. Well and so on, one by one: France - 37 Germany - 35, Brazil - 34, UK - 28 Canada - 26. South Korea and Japan - 25. Although the figures vary between sources - Italy with the United States are recognized leaders. Whose leadership is more attractive? - Depends on who is asking.
By the way rather late understanding is coming after all these figures. Italian mafia in US is not a criminal organization - it is actually the form of survival within severe workaholic culture.
Nothing credible information is available about India and China (about 40% of world population). Sometimes the terms man-on-vacation and man-unemployed are difficult to be distinguished.
Vacations Getting Shorter, Less Restful
American vacation
Vacation time per country
World tourism. Facts and Figures.
Are we slaves? (Rus)
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